Extraction of Moff Gideon

Around the time of 9 ABY, a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle that was acting as a New Republic prison transport and was transferring Moff Gideon, was attacked by his Imperial armored commandos which resulted in Gideon escaping New Republic custody.

New Republic captain Carson Teva later discovered the derelict shuttle and reported his findings to lieutenant Reed. Reed confirmed that there was a report of a missing craft in the area, but that the details were classified. He also discovered that the flight times of the shuttle matched that of the ship transporting Gideon. Teva sent a probe into the shuttle to analyze the damage, where he discovered the bodies of several New Republic officers, as well as a fragment of Beskar alloy embedded in the wall, leading the two to speculate that Gideon may have been taken by Mandalorians.






