
Exodeen was a planet in the Colonies' Exodeen system, situated along the Hydian Way and Nanth'ri Trade Route. The Rebel Alliance operative Luke Skywalker traveled, aboard the yacht Desert Jewel, to Exodeen from the planet Denon to take the Nanth'ri Trade Route on his way to the planet Omereth. Imperial starships were present in Exodeen's system when the Jewel arrived, prompting its swift departure for the celestial body Nanth'ri.


Exodeen was a planet in the Colonies' Exodeen system, situated at the coordinates M-12 on the Standard Galactic Grid. It was along the Hydian Way super-hyperroute, between the celestial bodies Bellassa and Suntilla, as well as the Nanth'ri Trade Route which connected it to the astronomical object Quellor.


In 0 ABY, the Rebel Alliance operatives Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen extracted the givin cryptologist Drusil Bephorin from the custody of the Galactic Empire on the Inner Rim Territories planet Denon, planning on reuniting the givin with her family on the Outer Rim Territories planet Omereth. To get to Omereth, Skywalker, flying the yacht Desert Jewel, planned to take the Hydian Way from Denon to Exodeen, and then continue on the Nanth'ri Trade Route to the celestial body Nanth'ri.

However, several Imperial starships, including a Star Destroyer and heavy cruiser, were present in Exodeen's system when Skywalker's ship arrived, with word spreading over the HoloNet communications system about the fugitives. Skywalker quickly had his droid R2-D2 set a course for Nanth'ri and the Jewel fled the Exodeen system.

Behind the scenes

Exodeen first appeared in Kevin Hearne's 2014 novel Heir to the Jedi.







