Esseles-class space station

It was designed to be built around an existing moon and use the satellite as a basis for the station itself. City sprawls, similar to the ones on the later Death Star battlestations, were spread across the moon's surface and linked by transport tubes. A large cluster of docking facilities, communications systems and control towers was centralized on one pole of the moon.

The amount of power generated in the station's interior was so high, specialized venting systems were installed to bleed it off, up to the surface.

Known stations

Behind the scenes

Although referred to as an "Esseles-class space station" in the individual entry for Hosk Station in The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels, Hosk Station is listed as a "Delaya-Class Space Station" under the Alderaan Royal Engineers entry in the Major Manufacturers section of the book.


  • The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
