Ephru Shinn

Ephru Shinn was a Mon Calamari who served on the Jedi High Council in 232 BBY. She participated in a debate about Jedi interference in military matters regarding the Nihil threat, where she opined that as Jedi involvement in such matters had only ever complicated such situations, it was important to keep the peace in the galaxy. Jedi Master Yarael Poof disagreed with Shinn, noting that justice was just as important as peace, but the Mon Calamari did not back down on her argument.


Ephru Shinn was a Mon Calamari member of the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. She was selected by Yoda as a temporary replacement on the Jedi High Council while the ancient Jedi Master went on a sabbatical from Council matters.

Ephru Shinn and Yarael Poof (pictured) disagreed on the right course of action.

Ephru Shinn and Yarael Poof (pictured) disagreed on the right course of action.

When the Council convened to discuss the threat of the Nihil in 232 BBY, the Mon Calamari countered her colleagues, among them Oppo Rancisis and Yarael Poof, who had been discussing Jedi military history. She instead raised a hand and told the Council to focus on the present and on ensuring peace in the galaxy. However, Shinn's argument of maintaining peace was brought into question by Poof, who felt that justice was as essential an ideal as peace to the Jedi.

Shinn further spoke of her belief that past Jedi interventions in galactic governance and military matters only ever complicated matters. Jedi Grandmaster Xo Lahru then rhetorically asked whether the Jedi should refrain from interfering in galactic military affairs if only for simplicity's sake, reminding the Mon Calamari that the galaxy was not a simple place. The debate went on, and the matter of including Jedi in a mission against the Nihil was voted on; the result was in support of having Jedi aid the mission, with six council members supporting and five opposing.

In 229 BBY, the Vurk Jedi Master Harli Cogra wrote a book titled Chronicles of the Jedi, which detailed the Jedi of the High Republic Era. In the first chapter of the book, Cogra included a depiction and mention of Shinn within sections dedicated to the Jedi High Council and Yoda.

Personality and traits

Ephru Shinn felt that the Jedi should strive to present a peace-centered way of life and that it was important to focus on the role of the Jedi in the present-day Republic instead of on ancient history, strongly expressing her opinions despite not being a permanent councilmember. Her priority was to avoid actions that might have led to violence even when the Nihil were involved. She even pushed back to Master Poof's argument that peace required justice alongside it, maintaining that the only thing Jedi involvement in military matters achieved was more complications. Shinn meditated to strengthen her connection with the Force. She had orange skin and yellow eyes and stood 1.78 meters tall, or five feet and ten inches.


The Mon Calamari wore a beige robe underneath her white-and-gold Jedi robes along with brown shoes.

Behind the scenes

Ephru Shinn appeared in the 2021 novel Light of the Jedi, written by Charles Soule as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I. An image of Shinn alongside other members of the council was created for the 2023 reference book Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi, written by Cole Horton and illustrated by Yihyoung Li, with additional colors provided by Alberto Buscicchio. Prior to its release, the art was included in an October 9, 2022 StarWars.com article previewing the book.


  • Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi
  • Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia






