Engi Golba


Engi Golba hailed from the terrestrial world Didyma V. He worked as a miner there, planting explosives in lommite mines in order to open new tunnels. When the First Order annexed the world and took over production, he fled the mines and eventually joined the Resistance, bringing his skills in utilizing explosives with him.

Golba joined the Resistance after escaping Didyma V's mines.

Golba joined the Resistance after escaping Didyma V's mines.

In 35 ABY, he was stationed at the Resistance's base on the jungle moon Ajan Kloss when Generals Poe Dameron and Finn briefed the Resistance on their mission to the planet Exegol, aiming to eliminate the fleet of the Sith Eternal and First Order. Golba was a member of the Resistance's landing team whose main objective was to sabotage a navigation tower that would allow the fleet to depart the planet.

The team traveled to Exegol via a YC-123B transport hauler named the Fortitude. Upon arriving, however, the Sith fleet switched the navigation signal to the Steadfast command ship. General Finn then ordered the transport to land on the Steadfast instead. The landing team was subsequently deployed on the starship, and they began advancing toward the tower. Sprinting behind a Talpiddian, Golba assisted in engaging the Sith troopers and jet troopers that had arrived to defend the tower. Eventually, Finn and former stormtrooper Jannah took out the signal, and Golba and the landing team retreated to the Fortitude. Ultimately, the Resistance won the battle and returned to Ajan Kloss for celebrations.

Personality and traits

Golba was a Didynon with white skin. With his skills in utilizing explosives, he had a zeal for destroying First Order property.

Skills and abilities

Golba was talented with explosives, using them in lommite mines and later in the destruction of First Order equipment.


Golba wore a brown robe over a gray cowl, brown dress, and brown belt. He utilized explosives in Didyma V's lommite mines, and he carried an EL-16HFE blaster rifle as a member of the Resistance.

Behind the scenes

Engi Golba appeared in the 2019 sequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, and was identified in the accompanying reference book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, written by Pablo Hidalgo. The character was played by singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran, who also played a First Order stormtrooper in the film. Concept art of the Didynon species, titled "Two Alien Wizards 80," was drawn by Martin Rezard.







