Engagement on Carlac

A battle was fought between the Nihil pirates and the Galactic Republic's Republic Defense Coalition on the Outer Rim planet Carlac in 231 BBY. The engagement, which was fought as part of Operation Counterstrike—the Republic and Jedi Order's response to the Nihil's attack on the Outer Rim planet Valo during its Republic Fair—ended with a Republic victory and the capture of several pirates as prisoners.

Afterward, the pirates were taken to the space station Starlight Beacon where they were imprisoned. Later in the same year, at a briefing on Starlight to inform Jedi and members of the defense coalition on the status of Operation Counterstrike shortly before the Battle of Galov, Avar Kriss—the Jedi marshal of the station—mentioned the Republic's battle against the Nihil on Carlac.

The engagement on Carlac was mentioned in flashbacks in The High Republic: Tempest Runner, a 2021 audio drama written by Cavan Scott and published as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.

Behind the scenes

The engagement on Carlac was mentioned in flashbacks in The High Republic: Tempest Runner, a 2021 audio drama written by Cavan Scott and published as a part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.






