Enforcer-class picket cruiser


Enforcer-class cruisers were built on the same 600-meter frame as the Immobilizer 418 cruiser and Vindicator-class heavy cruiser after naval architects removed the massive gravity well projectors from an Immobilizer 418 cruiser and discovered that by re-arranging the vessel's power grids, they could significantly enhance the ship's energy weapons, shields, and tractor beams. Even the engines experienced a bonus from this reconfiguration. The end result was a very fast and maneuverable vessel that was well armed for a ship its size.


The Enforcer-class was a joint venture by Sienar Fleet Systems and Kuat Drive Yards engineers located in the Pentastar Alignment at the behest of Grand Moff Ardus Kaine. The vessels were manufactured at the Galentro Heavy Works shipyards at Jaemus. The ship was born out of Kaine's desire to quickly rebuild fleet strength.

Although labeled as a picket, the cruiser served as the frontline vessel of Kaine's resource-strapped fleet. These ships were deployed mostly in pairs. Formations based on this number became more common as Kaine's forces continued to grow, so sightings of four or six ships working in unison became more common.




