Emon Kref

Emon Kref was born on Koshaga. The planet was engaged in a war that had lasted as long as anyone could remember, with his father serving as a general in the Koshagan People's Movement. Eventually, the Galactic Empire arrived and deployed its forces, overwhelming the Lowlands and taking many prisoners, including Kref's father. A week later, Kref met a Rebel recruiter and joined the Alliance.

Kref eventually arrived at the Rebellion's Echo Base on Hoth. Kref utilized an A295 blaster rifle that had an unreliable energy pack. It was known to fall out and Kref was forced to create a makeshift bandage for his weapon using cord and tape. During the Battle of Hoth, he received orders from Sergeant Trey Callum and fought alongside Andry Ked and helped him escape the battle on a transport after Ked was wounded.


Emon Kref was born on Koshaga. The planet was engaged in a war that had lasted as long as anyone could remember, with his father serving as a general in the Koshagan People's Movement. Eventually, the Galactic Empire arrived and deployed its forces, overwhelming the Lowlands and taking many prisoners, including Kref's father. A week later, Kref met a Rebel recruiter and joined the Alliance.

Kref eventually arrived at the Rebellion's Echo Base on Hoth. Kref utilized an A295 blaster rifle that had an unreliable energy pack. It was known to fall out and Kref was forced to create a makeshift bandage for his weapon using cord and tape. During the Battle of Hoth, he received orders from Sergeant Trey Callum and fought alongside Andry Ked and helped him escape the battle on a transport after Ked was wounded.






