
The Emery was one of three StoneCrusher-class WarMasters that served in the fleet of the Grysk operative "Jixtus." Around 18 BBY, the StoneCrusher engaged a group of forces of the Chiss and Paccosh species over the planet Sunrise in the Sunrise system. While engaging the Chiss heavy cruiser Grayshrike, its engines were destroyed, and the Emery exploded.


The Emery was a StoneCrusher-class WarMasters and was equipped with an engine and a hyperdrive. It was armed with spectrum lasers and shielded with electrostatic barriers.


The Emery was part of "Jixtus"'s fleet to conquer and destroy the Chiss Ascendancy on behalf of the Grysk Hegemony. It was one of three StoneCrusher-class WarMasters in the fleet, commanded by a .


The Emery took part in the final battle over Sunrise when Senior Captain Thrawn defeated Jixtus fleet. During the battle, the Emery first fought against a patrol cruiser and gunboats of the combined forces of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet and the Paccosh. After getting rid of them, it charged into a battle with the already crippled Chiss heavy cruiser Grayshrike, clearly aiming to destroy it.

The Grayshrike could escape with a very short in-system jump, its destination so close that it was still visible from the aboard Emery to encourage it to follow. But as the Emery was about to follow, its hyperdrive failed because of the Vagaari gravity-well generator that had just been activated by Mid Captain Apros. Confused by the failing hyperdrive, since the Grysks did not know yet of the gravity-well generator, the Emery was not prepared for the returning Grayshrike, which used the edge of the gravity well to arrive precisely to attack without delay.

The Grayshrike first sped alongside the Emery's flank and firing at it, until it at last reached the Grysk ship's stern and destroyed its main thrusters. As a result, the Emery exploded as a whole, making it the first ship that was destroyed during the battle.






