
The Embrace was a series of caverns on the homeworld of the Aing-Tii species. The Aing-Tii gathered sacred artifacts that they were forbidden to touch, which they called relics, and placed them in the Embrace.

In 43.5 ABY Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker traveled with his son, Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker, to the planet to learn more about Sith Lord Darth Caedus's fall to the dark side of the Force. They were trained in the art of flow-walking and teleportation by the Aing-Tii Tadar'Ro. Tadar'Ro led the Skywalkers to the Embrace, where he hoped that they would discover an important revelation to help settle the rift that had recently split the Aing-Tii. Inside the Embrace, Skywalker found the Codex, a relic which Caedus—at the time known as Jacen Solo—had touched during his stay with the Aing-Tii.

To the disappointment of Tadar'Ro and the other Aing-Tii, the Embrace revealed no revelation for the species.






