Elusive (adventure)

Plot summary

The player characters are bounty hunters hired to capture a Herglic gambler named Narloch of Giju by an anonymous client (unbeknownst them them, a noble named Lord Haakon, who lost a game of sabacc to the Herglic). The bounty is private (and thus illegal). The adventure follows a non-linear structure, allowing the players to accomplish its objectives in the order of their choosing.

The characters are pursuing a small-time bounty on the Hurt Vectors swoop gang. They confront the gang in their hideout in Vandalar City on Reaper's World, subdue them, and turn them into the local police station for their reward. They then receive a strange message on a comlink from the informant Vox. She promises them a new bounty when they return to their room, and sure enough, they find a datafile there detailing the bounty on Narloch of Giju. Asking around Vandalar City yields several leads: Narloch has interests in several casinos in the sector, has left for Emmer, and has ties to Jabba the Hutt. The bounty hunters eventually catch up to Narloch and capture him, at which point they learn that he has struck a deal with the Ubese bounty hunter Boushh, who had also been seeking his head.


Once the player characters start on Narloch of Giju's trail, the adventure is open ended and allows for the possibility of a capture at any point. It outlines Narloch's schedule and leaves it up to the gamemaster to determine when the player characters encounter their target.
