Eighty-third Battalion

The Eighty-third Battalion was a unit within the Republic Military that served in the Galactic War with the Sith Empire. When the planet Corellia was invaded by the Empire in 3640 BBY, the battalion was sent under the command of Colonel Brint to aid in the Battle of Corellia. Brint established a base in the Corellian Science Museum in the Axial Park district of Corellia's capital Coronet City, where he worked under the command of the Republic General Var Suthra to aid the Jedi Order and the military's operations on the world.

The Eighty-third Battalion was first mentioned in the Jedi Knight class mission "Firestorm" in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, released by BioWare in 2011. The battalion is only mentioned if the player speaks to Brint after the mission's first cutscene, and it is not identified whether the troopers in the museum—who wear the same white and blue armor as the other troopers across the planet—are part of the battalion.

Behind the scenes

The Eighty-third Battalion was first mentioned in the Jedi Knight class mission "Firestorm" in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, released by BioWare in 2011. The battalion is only mentioned if the player speaks to Brint after the mission's first cutscene, and it is not identified whether the troopers in the museum—who wear the same white and blue armor as the other troopers across the planet—are part of the battalion.



