
Eighty-One was a BX-series droid commando hunter who was hired by Wilhuff Tarkin to hunt Darth Vader, on Chandar's Folly. Eighty-One stole Vader's lightsaber after it proved to be deadly against Tarkin's team. However, when Vader later led the group into a cavern, he ambushed the hunters and pounced on Eighty-One from above, destroying the droid.


Vader destroys Eighty-One

Vader destroys Eighty-One

In 14 BBY, Eighty-One and eighteen other hunters were hired by Wilhuff Tarkin to assist him in his hunt for the Sith Lord Darth Vader on the planet Chandar's Folly. At least two days into the hunt, it became clear to Tarkin that they needed to take Vader's lightsaber, which was allowing the Dark Lord of the Sith to easily kill his hunters.

On the fourth day of the hunt, Tarkin led an operation to steal the lightsaber. The hunters tracked Vader near a cliff, where he attacked them. After the Sith Lord impaled a fellow hunter, Eighty-One used it's cable to snare Vader's lightsaber and pull it from his hand, shooting at the Sith Lord at the same time. Eighty-One and the other hunters then fired on Vader together, but the Sith used his Force powers to break the neck of one, forcing the rest to retreat. Vader was able to Force choke another before the rest escaped.

As Tarkin awaited the dawn of their ninth day of the hunt, Vader was spotted wearing the hide of a Valath. Tarkin told his hunters it was time to move, ordering Gil and Eighty-One to take point. The group went in search of Vader and entered a crystal ravine. Eventually the Chadra-Fan Hardhear could hear Vader's breathing. However, he could not tell where because the crystal walls made it echo. not track Vader with their hearing because of the echoing of his breathing. Tarkin ordered the hunters to run and Eighty-One watched the rear as they began moving. Vader then attacked, throwing Gil into the wall and Force-choking Hardhear. After, he jumped from the top of the ravine and into Eighty-One, destroying the droid immediately.


Eighty-One fires on Vader.

Eighty-One fires on Vader.

Eighty-One wielded a blaster and could use a cable on the droid's right arm to catch things from afar.

Behind the scenes

Eighty-One first appeared in the canon comic Darth Vader (2017) 18, which was written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli, and released on July 11, 2018.



