Dwarf Star-class freighter

150 meters in length, the Dwarf Star-class was designed and produced by Rendili StarDrive and could transport up to 1,500 metric tons of cargo with a crew of 400. A curved ship that featured a bulged bow that tapered until near the stern where it expanded for the engine housing, the standard ship was armed with nine quad laser cannons along the middle of the ship and a single tractor beam projector.

The vessel class was popular amongst short-haul traders or smugglers for its high meter to cargo capacity ratio and its stock weaponry. Despite its weaponry, shields aboard the Dwarf Star-class could be brought down by eight proton torpedo impacts, making its defenses useful against light raids but worthless against a military strike.


150 meters in length, the Dwarf Star-class was designed and produced by Rendili StarDrive and could transport up to 1,500 metric tons of cargo with a crew of 400. A curved ship that featured a bulged bow that tapered until near the stern where it expanded for the engine housing, the standard ship was armed with nine quad laser cannons along the middle of the ship and a single tractor beam projector.

The vessel class was popular amongst short-haul traders or smugglers for its high meter to cargo capacity ratio and its stock weaponry. Despite its weaponry, shields aboard the Dwarf Star-class could be brought down by eight proton torpedo impacts, making its defenses useful against light raids but worthless against a military strike.






