Duel in the Fellowship Plaza

In 40 ABY, a meeting between Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya and her apprentice Jacen Solo was interrupted when the Twi'lek Dark Jedi Alema Rar caught Jedi Master Tresina Lobi spying on the conversation. Rar's subsequent attack on Lobi alerted Lumiya to the presence of both women and, as Solo fled, Lumiya joined the lightsaber duel that had erupted in the midst of Coruscant's Fellowship Plaza. Lobi held her own against the pair of darksiders for a time and severed Lumiya's weapon arm, but was unable to maintain a protracted offensive against two opponents. She was crippled by the extensions of Lumiya's lightwhip, then killed with a decapitating strike of Rar's lightsaber.

Meeting in the Senate District

Alema Rar, a Dark Jedi and joiner during the Dark Nest Crisis and subsequent Swarm War, had been defeated during that conflict's final battle by Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo, leaving Rar disfigured and mentally unstable. In 40 ABY, Rar reemerged and, seeking revenge on Organa Solo, began targeting her son, Jacen Solo, who had recently turned to the dark side under the influence of the Sith Lady Lumiya.

One day, Solo met with his cousin, Ben Skywalker, in Fellowship Plaza, where they discussed Luke Skywalker's concerns about his son and a new GAG Star Destroyer, the Anakin Solo. Observing their conversation were Lumiya, Rar, and Tresina Lobi, a Jedi Master that Luke had sent to monitor Ben. After the meeting's conclusion, Solo sent Ben to the Galactic Justice Center. As Ben passed Rar, she noticed Lobi eavesdropping on the conversation. Lumiya then left her own hiding place to speak with Solo about his control over Ben, and the possibility of making him his Sith apprentice. Rar noticed Lobi recording the conversation as Solo told Lumiya to assassinate a list of Bothans to lure the terrorists into a trap. As Lobi prepared to send the recording to Luke, Rar realized that if Solo were to become a Sith Lord, Organa Solo's heart would be broken, fulfilling her revenge, and so resolved to prevent Lobi from relaying her discovery.

Rar sprang towards Lobi and landed on her shoulder blade, crushing it, then used the Force to remove Lobi's headset and they engaged in a duel. Lumiya, witnessing the fight, told Solo to leave for his meeting with Admiral Cha Niathal. At first, Lumiya cautiously approached Rar, but the Twi'lek stated that she was a friend and the two joined forces to battle Lobi.

The duel

Lobi used the Force to throw an urn into Rar's crippled shoulder before she could redirect it with Force lightning, and knocked her into some shrubs behind her. As Rar rose, she saw Lumiya engaging the Jedi with her lightwhip. As Rar headed towards the fight, Lobi backflipped while pulling Rar into the lightwhip's strands which cut her thighs and ribs. Lobi landed and sliced off Lumiya's cybernetic weapon arm, then aimed for her torso before Rar caught the attack with her own blade. As Lobi attacked the Twi'lek, Rar threw the prosthetic arm towards Lobi's head with the Force. The arm missed, but gave the Lumiya time to attack. Lobi pivoted away and kicked Rar in the chest. As she went flying, Lumiya launched another series of attacks which moved her towards Rar. Lobi whirled around and attacked Rar, but stumbled back into Lumiya's lightwhip and lost both of her legs. As Lobi screamed in agony, Rar ended her suffering, and the duel, with a decapitating strike.


After Lobi had been struck down, Lumiya still remained suspicious of Rar. She stepped to the other side of Lobi's dead body with her lightwhip still activated. It was then that Rar took the recording device from Lobi's corpse, tossed it to Lumiya, and joined her cause.

A gardener droid found Lobi's body, and notified the Coruscant Security Force. Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker would investigate Lobi's death, with their investigation leading them and Detectives Tozr and Raatu to the Zorp House apartment tower, and Lumiya's apartment.

Rar continued to fill a role similar to that of a Sith Minion in Lumiya's Sith Order. She would go on to fight alongside Lumiya at Roqoo Depot and Gilatter VIII, and save Solo's life during the Battle of Kashyyyk. Ultimately, neither of Tresina Lobi's assassins would survive the Second Galactic Civil War: Lumiya was struck down in a duel with Luke Skywalker, and Jagged Fel, who had been hunting Rar since the end of the Swarm War, killed her with the help of the other Solos and Zekk. Solo himself, as the Sith Lord Darth Caedus whose rise and reign Rar had joined Lumiya to help facilitate, perished at the end of the war.






