Droid Engineer's Cave

The Droid Engineer's Cave was a cave located on the planet Lok, in the center of one of its volcanoes.


Droids inside the cave.

Droids inside the cave.

The Droid Engineer's Cave was a cavern network located in the heart of the Mount Chaolt volcano. As the name implied, was the home of an eccentric droid engineer, the female Mon Calamari Sardeya Elgrin. She used the cave to perform lawless experiments that would not allowed on any of the more civilized worlds. The engineer was experimenting to improve the droid lethal capacities. She possessed various droids such as IG assassin droids and Droidekas.

After the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance to Restore the Republic was suspected to have used the caverns presumably as a base, although even the Imperial Zabrak Colonel Darkstone was at a loss as to what their exact activities and connection to the caverns were. This acted as the reason it was singled out as one of three possible locations of a prison transfer log that Colonel Darkstone dispatched an Imperial unit to retrieve in an attempt to rescue Doctor Bledsoe, the others being the Palace of the Woolamander on Yavin 4 and the Mokk Stronghold on Dantooine.

In 1 ABY, the outcast Andria E'liyha tried to convince a spacer to attack the cave in order to kill the insane engineer and remove insanity from Lok. Later, a spacer working with the Trandoshan bounty hunters Bossk and Balfur Jhcor killed the droid engineer Sardeya Elgrin in the cave.

The same year, a spacer fought several droids and collected a Massassi knuckler in the cave.

Behind the scenes

The Droid Engineer's Cave was a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011.







