
Draboon was a terrestrial astronomical object located in the Mandalore sector. During the Mandalorian Civil War circa 42 BBY, Satine Kryze of the Mandalorian House Kryze came under the protection of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. Duchess Satine became a target for bounty hunters, and the two Jedi removed her from Mandalore for her own safety. At some point during their nearly year-long time on the run, they found themselves on Draboon. While on Draboon, Kryze and Kenobi encountered a swarm of venom-mites and Kenobi carried Kryze to safety, though his chivalrous act was tarnished when he dropped her unceremoniously, leaving her with a permanent scar from the fall.

After the end of the Mandalorian Civil War and the establishment of the pacifist New Mandalorian government, a custom-made luxury yacht was created for the Duchess. The interiors of the starship, named the Coronet, were furnished with many natural resources found in the Mandalore sector, including Draboon on the ship's promenade.




