Dorthu Santim

Dorthu Santim was a male Ithorian. Around five years before the Battle of Yavin, he resided on Lothal. During the planet's time under the Galactic Empire, Santim was forced to operate in an All Terrain Missile Platform facility of the Empire by its stormtroopers, before he was rescued by the Spectres of Kanan Jarrus. Following his rescue, the Ithorian went to live with other defenseless citizens in the Haven, a secret rebel base.

After being brought back to the Haven, Santim believed he was only still alive because the Empire still had use for him. Bridger visited him in the Haven and gave him hope, making him believe that he and his family were safe for the time being.

Personality and traits

After being brought back to the Haven, Santim believed he was only still alive because the Empire still had use for him. Bridger visited him in the Haven and gave him hope, making him believe that he and his family were safe for the time being.



