Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate

In 4 ABY, rebel Admiral Gial Ackbar made a report to the Alliance's Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma that detailed the main composition of the Alliance fleet. The Braha'tok-class gunship was listed, with the Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate being acknowledged as the vessel's manufacturer. The report was soon compiled by archivist Hendri Underholt in his archive of non-electric documents The Rebel Files.

The Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate was first mentioned in canon in the 2017 boxset and reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, written by Daniel Wallace. Its shortened name, Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate, was given by DK Publishing's 2019 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition. In Star Wars Legends continuity, its sole mention was in the Databank entry for the Braha'tok-class gunship on, which was implemented as user Ello137's winning entry for What's The Story?, a contest on the website's Hyperspace feature, on August 31, 2006.

Behind the scenes

The Dornean Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate was first mentioned in canon in the 2017 boxset and reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, written by Daniel Wallace. Its shortened name, Braha'ket Fleetworks Conglomerate, was given by DK Publishing's 2019 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition. In Star Wars Legends continuity, its sole mention was in the Databank entry for the Braha'tok-class gunship on, which was implemented as user Ello137's winning entry for What's The Story?, a contest on the website's Hyperspace feature, on August 31, 2006.


  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles
  • Knights of Fate
  • Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  • Starships and Speeders
