
Dolgis was a Human male acolyte at the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Cold War. He was an associate of Vemrin, a fellow acolyte and an enemy of Overseer Tremel's protégé.


Vemrin and Dolgis had known each other from back on Balmorra, before they had been brought to the Sith Academy. Dolgis stayed by Vemrin's side and helped him rise through the ranks of the acolytes. Together, they resented a new acolyte who had been brought to the Sith Academy by Overseer Tremel to stop Vemrin

At Vermin's request, Dolgis the new acolyte on his way to Tremel's office. Dolgis talked about his belief that the lack of witnesses would let him get away with the murder and told the other acolyte they would die. Dolgis engaged them, but lost. He begged for mercy from the acolyte, but received none.

In a later confrontation between the acolyte and Vemrin, the latter assumed that Dolgis failed because the former was still alive.

Behind the scenes

The Sith Warrior could choose to spare Dolgis earning Light side points or kill them earning Dark Side points.



