Dol Narlock

Dol Narlock was a male Mon Calamari Commander who served aboard Republic transport ship Esseles during the Cold War. He would reach the rank of Vice Admiral by 3627 BBY.


Some years after the end of the Great Galactic War, he was involved in the defense against Sith attackers from the resurgent Sith Empire. During the battle, Narlock gathered many soldiers and volunteers to participate during the start of the Cold War.

In 3643 BBY, Narlock led a few soldiers during a surprise attack by Moff Rycus Kilran on the Esseles. During the first thrust of the Imperials from the Harrower-class dreadnought Emperor's Glory, Narlock, along with Ambassador Vyn Asara and his guards, held in the hangar while an elite strike team boarded the Imperial ship and disabled its tractor beam. The Esseles crew was able to escape afterwards, following the strike team's successful attack.

Narlock participated in the full-scale Galactic War with the Sith Empire and in the war against the Eternal Empire, rising through the ranks to become a Vice Admiral, and coming into the command of the starship Krakana and the Twenty-Ninth Fleet, after serving aboard the Blazing Torch. During this time, he would also become the captain of the Republic Navy's dejarik team, discussing new strategies with friend and fellow enthusiast Ardinondu Dipolus Daeruun. The Aphelion III was the most heavily-secured ship under his command.

Narlock had a child named Jesha Narlock, who looked up to him.






