Doctor Aphra (2016) 11

Publisher's summary

  • Aphra's mission to make quick credits by auctioning off an ancient Jedi artifact is going to plan…
  • That is, until it isn't.
  • Meanwhile, a dark figure from Aphra's past decides to make an appearance…

The auction massacre

Having been installed inside a blue Cyban Front droid by Triple Zero and BT-1, Eternal Rur mockingly asks Dr Chelli Lona Aphra and the bidders who wishes to partake in the "incandescent glory of Immortal Rur." One of the Shadow University academics thinks it is another demonstration but Aphra pushes her get down just as the gun turrets begin blasting the crowd, saving her life. She tells the cowering academics that the first lesson is to know when to get out of the firing line.

The Ezaraa leader tells his followers to retrieve the Rur crystal from the possessed droid. Eternal Rur guns down several Ezaraa before turning his attention to Dr Aphra and the academics. Before fleeing, she tells the academics to know when to run. In the corridor, Dr Aphra meets with the red droid leader of the Cyban Front, who asks if the guns have technopathic controls. Dr Aphra realizes that Eternal Rur doesn't have technopathy but that Triple Zero is controlling the guns.

Triple Zero's leverage

When an enraged Dr Aphra contacts him, Triple Zero responds that he and BT-1 are busy enjoying the ensuing havoc. He tells her that they have set the guns to autotarget and placed the Rur crystal inside the droid she had fixed up. Triple Zero is unconcerned about the ensuing bloodbath. Aphra demands that he turns off the guns but Triple Zero reveals that they have disabled the gun controls with a fire and axe. When Dr Aphra demands to know what Triple Zero wants, he tells her to meet them in her room.

Dr Aphra bangs her head in frustration as a wounded Ezaraa, who has lost his arm, falls to the ground. When the Cyban Front leader asks if Aphra had put a destruction fail-safe into the reanimated chassis of his comrade, she replies that she didn't. The Cyban Front leader turns to leave while Dr Aphra heads back to her room. However, the path is blocked by the marauding Eternal Rur and the gun turrets. Dr Aphra decides to find another way.

Watching over the surveillance camera, Triple Zero tells BT-1 that Dr Aphra has made the "right" move. He tells BT-1 that they should enjoy their short existence when given the opportunity. Triple Zero gloats over the massacre on the security camera footage. Back in the main hall, Yonak of the Son-tuul Pride manages to escape the marauding Eternal Rur by fleeing through a series of blast doors. He encounters the Hutt Sutha and his Twi'lek entourage. Sutha and Yonak strike a deal to work together to defeat Eternal Rur and capture the Rur crystal.

Dr Aphra is cornered by Krrsantan, who grabs her by the scruff of her jacket. Aware of the Wookiee's "life debt" to the Xonti Brothers, Dr Aphra gives Black Krrsantan access to the armory which is full of ammunition. Discovering ion weaponry, Dr Aphra contacts the various faction via comlink and tells them that there is ion weaponry in Residential Storage B-4, which they can use against Eternal Rur.

Escaping Eternal Rur

However, Dr Aphra's actions expose her position to Eternal Rur, who tracks her down. Dr Aphra tries to take him out with an ion blaster but the droid throws her to the ground. Eternal Rur seeks revenge against Dr Aphra for trying to sell him. Believing her end is near, Dr Aphra remarks that she does not believe in happy endings for herself. However, Triple Zero drives Eternal Rur away with the blasters since he still needs the rogue archaeologist alive.

As the massacre unfolds, an Imperial Star Destroyer approaches the Sorca Retreat. Just as Dr Aphra arrives inside her room, Triple Zero tells her to look at the monitors because he has prepared a "delightful surprise." Dr Aphra watches in horror as Darth Vader and his stormtroopers blast their way aboard the resort space station. Triple Zero says let's talk.


  • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Vol. 2: Doctor Aphra and the Enormous Profit
  • Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Omnibus Vol. 1


  • The Marvel Art of Star Wars






