Dizzy (Ugnaught)

Dizzy was an Ugnaught adrenaline-junkie joyrider active in the Hunters of the Outer Rim tournament at the Grand Arena on the planet Vespaara following the fall of the Galactic Empire. Reveling in roadkill, Dizzy operated a modified droideka. The two went by the united persona of Slingshot. Over the various fights in the tournament, Slingshot gained a rivalry with fellow competitors Utooni. The Jawa brothers targeted Dizzy's droideka, whom Dizzy perceived as family.During one of his early fights, Dizzy accidentally ran over Sentinel's foot while on his team.

When Dizzy first acquired his droideka partner, he was shunned by many people on his homeworld who thought him a fool for restoring a droideka. He enjoyed that his fellow Hunters on Vespaara never made him feel unwelcome. Dizzy often tinkered with his droideka. At one point, he worked on a podracer kit after a match in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition.

When goons attacked the Grand Arena intent on destroying it, Dizzy and his droideka fought against the invaders.

Dizzy, paired with the droideka Slingshot, is one of the playable characters in the 2022 competitive combat game Star Wars: Hunters, published by Zynga and Lucasfilm Games.

Behind the scenes

Slingshot's logo

Slingshot's logo

Dizzy, paired with the droideka Slingshot, is one of the playable characters in the 2022 competitive combat game Star Wars: Hunters, published by Zynga and Lucasfilm Games.









