Dietrix Jago


Upon receiving the news that the Outer Rim Expedition Two-Five-Two team had gone missing, Jago flew the Umberfall to Aubadas. She explained the twin planets Aubadas and Gloam orbited each other as well as their star which was very rare. She attempted to make contact with the Katikoot or Rok Buran's team, but was unable reach anyone. At Sho's direction, she piloted the ship into the atmosphere of Aubadas. Jago followed the coordinates given to the previous Pathfinder team, but was unable to locate a city. Nitani used The Force to determine a likely location for a city and Jago landed the ship on a rock outcropping near it. Jago and the rest of the team disembarked and made their way into a gully searching for signs of civilization. When Republic Communications Team Oh-Arr-Ee-Three-Six-One arrived on Aubadas, Jago and the rest of the team met them while the Jedi joined the Katikoot and entered Diurna.

Jago and the rest of the team entered the city and waited for the Jedi in the ambassador's lounge. She grew impatient as the meeting of the Jedi and Katikoot leadership went on, wanting to go look for the missing Pathfinder team. The Jedi returned and informed them of the situation on Gloam. When Nitani told them they were going to look for their missing comrades, Jado was happy and explained that they might have had a mutiny on their hands if they had decided to abandon the other Pathfinders. She flew the Pathfinder team, along with Mittik and Rillik, to Gloam and landed at an abandoned refinery. She joined the others in the common area of the ship to look at a topographic hologram of the surface. Jago questioned why the ancient city they were planning to search had large arches high up on a wall instead of ground level. When Nitani sensed someone in the distance that needed assistance, Master Sho decided to split up so they could accomplish multiple tasks. Jago volunteered to go with Mittik to the ruins to search for signs of the lost Pathfinder team.

During the trip, Jago continued to check her comlink to see if she could pick up any signals. She discussed the situation on Gloam and assured Mittik that the Republic had programs designed to restore ecologically damaged planets. Unexpectedly, she received a distress call on her comlink that was being broadcast on a wide spectrum of frequencies. She didn't recognize the call pattern, but Mittik suggested that some survivors had put together a make-shift beacon. The pair decided to follow the signal to its source which led them away from the ancient city.

Jago and Mittik located the beacon and discovered it was created by Spence and Dass Leffbruk. She introduced herself and managed to convince them that she and Mittik were not a threat. She talked to Dass and tried to figure out how he managed to find a to build the beacon. She offered the Leffbruks a hot meal and first aid for their injuries. While they ate, Jago talked to Spence and Dass about their journey to a paradise planet alongside Sunshine Dobbs and his subsequent betrayal of them when he stranded them on Gloam. Dass mentioned there were three containers filled with ore outside the ancient city and Jago wondered why the Kattikoot hadn't sent ships to retrieve them. She convinced the Leffbruks to join them in searching for the lost Pathfinders. When the party reached the city, Jago wondered why it had been built vertically with no means of getting to the arched entryways and Mittik explained it was due to the fact the ancient Katikoot could fly. She wanted to go in but told the Leffbruks they could stay behind if they wanted to. When they agreed to come with her, she proceeded to repair an abandoned mining vehicle and used the crane to raise the group up to an opening.

The pilot led the way into the city, holding a glowrod. She discovered a series of tapestries that told the story of the Katikoot people. Mittik was distressed to learn that they had originated on Gloam and later migrated to Aubadas to escape the Miner's curse and Jago comforted her. Jago and the rest continued into the city where they found a central shaft leading down to the mines. As they descended, they were attacked by the Gloam monsters. She drew her blaster and fired at them in an attempt to drive them off. Realizing they would be overwhelmed on exposed steps around the shaft, she ordered the group to take cover in a small tunnel that lead off of the shaft. One of the monsters was able to slash her arm with its claws, causing her to retreat in pain. Once the Jedi arrived and began to push back the monsters, Jago and the rest fled up the steps and out of the city.

As she ran away from the collapsing city, she called Obik Dennisol and warned him to get the ship ready for immediate departure and to leave the bay doors open so she and the others could get on-board as soon as possible. She made her way to the cockpit and flew the Umberfall and its passengers to safety. Jago returned to Aubadas and celebrated a successful mission before flying the Pathfinder team and the Leffbruks to Batuu.

Personality and traits

Jago was upbeat and confident, with a personality that Rooper Nitani described as "perpetually enthusiastic". She had a large stripe of hair that ran along the top of her shaved head that was dyed in rainbow colors. She was fond of the Umberfall and had the ability to fix any part of it.


  • Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia












