Dhen-Moh genocides

The Dhen-Moh genocides were ordered by the Galactic Empire on Dhen-Moh. The Sith Lord Darth Vader killed many there with his lightsaber, an act that was marked on his reputation afterwards. Various figures compared the atrocity on Dhen-Moh with some of the Empire's other major genocides.

The genocides

Between 19 BBY and 3 ABY, the Galactic Empire ordered genocides on the astronomical object Dhen-Moh. The Sith Lord Darth Vader notably took part in the mass murder, massacring many with his lightsaber.


The historian Beaumont Kin compared the genocides on Dhen-Moh with the extermination of the Geonosians.

The historian Beaumont Kin compared the genocides on Dhen-Moh with the extermination of the Geonosians.

Everi Chalis, an Imperial governor who had defected to the Rebel Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, cited his participation to the rebel First Sergeant Hazram Namir in 3 ABY. In 4 ABY, Yrica Quell, an Imperial pilot who had defected to the New Republic, the Alliance's successor, compared the Dhen-Moh genocides—alongside the atrocities involving the planets Alderaan and Lasan—to the Empire's enactment of Operation: Cinder, another genocide ordered by the Empire, in her mind during a conversation. Quell considered the difference between the former genocides and Operation: Cinder as that between ruthlessness and cruelty.

In his 35 ABY book The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, the historian Beaumont Kin commented that Darth Vader using his lightsaber on Dhen-Moh was just as effective of a mass killing as the Empire's use of chemical weapons to exterminate the Geonosian species around 9 BBY. The historian added that the Empire's motivation behind these atrocities was that mass violence was a simple solution to any problem.

Behind the scenes

The Dhen-Moh genocides was first mentioned in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.


  • Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire












