Devono Vix

Devono Vix was a Gossam arms dealer connected with the Hutt Clan who operated in the Arms Market on the Smuggler's Moon of Nar Shaddaa. The bounty hunter Dengar came to know Vix over a number of years, eventually gaining his trust and the dealer became a source of information to him. At one point, Vix began to do business with the dormant criminal syndicate Crimson Dawn, and their leader, Qi'ra, ordered many shipments of blasters, detonators, and other, more exotic weapons.

In 3 ABY, Dengar and fellow bounty hunter Beilert Valance traveled to Nar Shaddaa in search of the bounty hunter Boba Fett, who the pair believed was in possession of the carbonite-frozen body of smuggler Han Solo. As the two hunters made their way through the Arms Market, Dengar suggested visiting Vix for information on where Fett had gone, and why a bounty had been put on him by Jabba the Hutt. When they found Vix, Valance punched the arms dealer and demanded to know where Fett had gone. Vix responded by having his associates attack Valance and Dengar, and escaping into Oruba Square.

Valance and Dengar eventually caught up with Vix, and questioned him whilst Valance held him over the edge of a rooftop. The arms dealer revealed to the two about his activity with Crimson Dawn, saying they had returned and taken the carbonite from Fett, which Valance refused to believe. As Vix began to talk more, the Crimson Dawn assassin Deathstick silently watched in the background. Valance put Vix down, and he told them the reasoning behind Jabba putting a bounty on Fett, that he believed Fett had double-crossed him and sold Solo to another party. Valance continued to dismiss Vix's information about Crimson Dawn as ghost stories, though Vix assured him they were very real, and that if the Dawn's leader had known Vix had spoken with the two, she would have his head, though before he could finish, Vix was decapitated by Deathstick. With Vix's death, Dengar started to believe that his information about Crimson Dawn seemed more plausible as the two bounty hunters attempted to find cover from the assassin who had just killed Vix.


  • Star Wars: Timelines









