
Deneba was a location in the galaxy. When Commerce Guild scout Tibbs Ospe discovered the planet Vandor, he figured the planet could be a stopping place for traders heading towards Deneba and Manda. By 10 BBY, Ospe fixed the ruins of Ypsobay Trading Company's headquarters and started advertising that traders could find fuel and food at Fort Ypso for their travels. At some point bartender Tivoche Bilure learned Ospe's story about Vandor and wrote it in his journal.

Deneba was first mentioned in the 2018 canon replica journal Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, written by Jason Fry. Deneba first appeared in the Star Wars Legends comic Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 3, written by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson, penciled by Chris Gossett, and published by Dark Horse Comics on December 1, 1994.

Behind the scenes

Deneba was first mentioned in the 2018 canon replica journal Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, written by Jason Fry. Deneba first appeared in the Star Wars Legends comic Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 3, written by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson, penciled by Chris Gossett, and published by Dark Horse Comics on December 1, 1994.


  • Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor
