Delphi Kloda's competitor

The retired pirate Delphi Kloda sent his fourteen year old protege Bazine Netal to steal from one of his male competitors as her first job for him. She attempted to use her looks to seduce the mark, but he realized her plan almost immediately and attacked her with a flamethrower. Suffering burns to the left side of her scalp and losing much of her hair, Netal still managed to draw a knife from each of her boots and kill the competitor, going on to successfully steal what Kloda had sent her for. She later told the spy-in-training Orri Tenro about her encounter with the competitor in order to teach him the importance of remaining unseen while on a job.

The competitor was first mentioned, but not named, in the short story "The Perfect Weapon," which was written by Delilah S. Dawson and released as an eBook in 2015.

Behind the scenes

The competitor was first mentioned, but not named, in the short story "The Perfect Weapon," which was written by Delilah S. Dawson and released as an eBook in 2015.






