Deena Riss

Gathering intel from the Shroud's bases on Coruscant, Quesh and Belsavis ultimately revealed that the Shroud had planted a hyperspace beacon in Galactic City, which would pilot a dreadnaught past the orbital defenses and have it crash into Coruscant. The Republic agent subsequently pursued the Shroud to his base on Nar Shaddaa and killed him, before deactivating the beacon, sending the dreadnaught flying into Coruscant Prime. Additionally, the agent found encrypted data in the Shroud's databanks.

Unfortunately, when the agent returned to Riss's office, a Shroud replicator droid had placed a collar on the back of Riss's neck which would go off if anyone approached her. The droid then changed into the image of the Shroud, who revealed that he had a decoy die in his place. But his decoy had stolen information he was not supposed to and demanded that the agent wipe it from Riss's console in exchange for Riss's life.

The agent then chose to save Riss's life, and compiled with the Shroud's demands. Upholding his end of the bargain, the Shroud released Riss, bid the agent farewell, and detonated the replicator droid. Riss was initially unhappy that the Shroud was allowed to escape, but then convinced herself that the agent's actions were overall positive, as the attack on Coruscant had been thwarted.

Behind the scenes

Deena Riss appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel a 2013 expansion to the 2011 massively-multiplayer online roleplaying video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. She appears during "The Shroud" questline.


At the end of the "The Shroud Revealed" quest, Deena Riss's fate is decided two ways. If the player make the light side choice and return the data, the Shroud upholds his word and releases Riss. If the player(s) make the dark side choice and uploads the data to SIS servers, the Shroud kills Riss and becomes enraged.


Republic-aligned players of any gender may choose to flirt with Deena Riss during the opening conversations of "The Shroud's Gambit" quest. Riss turns the player down, as the Shroud problem is "far more important."

At the end of the questline, if Riss is saved, the player can attempt to flirt with Riss again, asking if she would like to celebrate "at a cantina or somewhere more private." Riss thinks the idea sounds great, but turns down the player, stating she is busy with briefings and report filings. After this point, the player cannot engage with Riss and no further romance options are available.



