Declaration of the Alliance of Free Planets

The Declaration of the Alliance of Free Planets was the founding document of the Alliance of Free Planets, the short-lived successor to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Declaration was issued as a result of the First Conference of Free Peoples, which was held within the first days of Emperor Palpatine's death at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. The declaration opened with a statement on the subject of Palpatine's death and his transgressions against the people of the galaxy, and followed with a formal announcement of the Rebel Alliance's intention to form a New Republic.

The rest of the declaration consisted primarily of five pledges:

Nine individuals were the primary signatories of the Declaration: Mon Mothma of Chandrila, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, Kerrithrarr of Kashyyyk, Doman Beruss of Corellia, Jenssar SoBilles of Duro, Borsk Fey'lya of Kothlis, Verrinnefra B'thog Indriummsegh of Elom, Admiral Gial Ackbar of Mon Calamari, and Sian Tevv of Sullust. The Declaration and the Alliance were intended only as an interim phase between the Rebel Alliance and the functional government of New Republic, and the Alliance served to organize worlds that were petitioning for inclusion in the New Republic. The Declaration of a New Republic followed four weeks after the Declaration of the Alliance of Free Planets.




