Deathblaster-class fighter

The Deathblaster-class fighter was a starfighter design used during the Pre-Republic era by the Despot Army. It was the sister ship to the renowned Deathstalker-class fighter, except large enough to carry a payload of bombs, equipment or passengers.

Many fighters of this design were destroyed during the Despot War and most of the remaining ships were dismantled by the Je'daii Order. However some of the few surviving units were still used by mercenaries, Shikaakwa warlords and remote criminal settlements on Mawr's moons. At least one Deathblaster-class fighter was used by Dalien Brock during the Stargazer Uprising.


The Deathblaster-class fighter was a starfighter design used during the Pre-Republic era by the Despot Army. It was the sister ship to the renowned Deathstalker-class fighter, except large enough to carry a payload of bombs, equipment or passengers.


Many fighters of this design were destroyed during the Despot War and most of the remaining ships were dismantled by the Je'daii Order. However some of the few surviving units were still used by mercenaries, Shikaakwa warlords and remote criminal settlements on Mawr's moons. At least one Deathblaster-class fighter was used by Dalien Brock during the Stargazer Uprising.






