Death Watch bomber

The Death Watch bomber was a male human, who was a member of the terrorist group Death Watch, during the Clone Wars. After perpetrating a bombing the Memorial Shrine, the bomber tried to escape from Obi-Wan Kenobi and ultimately chose death instead of allowing himself to be captured, committing suicide by jumping off of a balcony.


During the Clone Wars, the bomber was a member of the terrorist group known as Death Watch. As Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi investigated on the rumors that Duchess Satine Kryze was creating a secret army on Mandalore, this Death Watch member bombed the Memorial Shrine. He was spotted by Kenobi, who ran after him as he tried to flee the scene. Kenobi ultimately cornered the bomber on a balcony where the bomber attempted to shoot the Jedi. However, Kenobi managed to disarm him using redirected blaster fire, after which the bomber, not wanting to be captured, jumped off the balcony, shouting something in a language spoken on Concordia as he fell to his death. Duchess Satine comforted him as he lay dying, exchanging words in Concordian. After the bomber's death, Satine told Kenobi what language the bomber had spoken.




