Death (town)

Due to the numerous ongoing wars between factions in the planet-wide penal colony, the appearance of the town changed frequently; areas would go from being well-maintained to run-down within the span of a few years, and the names of prominent locations were frequently changed by whatever faction happened to control the town at the moment. Notable places included the Victory Forum, home of Regional Sector Number Four's All-Human Free-For-All in 12 BBY, and the warehouse district known as Executioner's Row.


Due to the numerous ongoing wars between factions in the planet-wide penal colony, the appearance of the town changed frequently; areas would go from being well-maintained to run-down within the span of a few years, and the names of prominent locations were frequently changed by whatever faction happened to control the town at the moment. Notable places included the Victory Forum, home of Regional Sector Number Four's All-Human Free-For-All in 12 BBY, and the warehouse district known as Executioner's Row.



