David Gaider

David Gaider is a writer and a video game designer, and was part of the design team of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. He worked for BioWare from 1999 to 2016, and he is also known to be the Lead Writer for the Dragon Age series.

On Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Gaider worked as a designer and writer. He is responsible for HK-47, Carth Onasi, Korriban (and the Code of the Sith), Jolee Bindo, and part of Bastila Shan. He admitted that, being mostly a fantasy writer, the game was difficult for him to work on at first. His "writer's block" disappeared after James Ohlen offered a different perspective on Star Wars, describing it not as a sci-fi world, but as a fantasy setting. Thus Gaider started taking more pleasure in his work.

Though it was not stated in the game, Gaiden named Onasi's deceased wife "Morgana."


  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
