Darth Skrye

Darth Skrye was a female Sith Lord who held the title of Darth in a Force vision of many possible colliding futures experienced by the Jedi Padawan Dooku after encountering the last coven of the Presagers of Hakotei during a mission to the planet Asusto in 82 BBY. In the vision, Dooku heard Skrye announcing that the Cauldron was opening and that the Sith were reborn, alongside the sound of a planet tearing in two and a large explosion. As the vision continued, Skrye's voice overlapped with many others until Dooku emerged, having killed the Presagers with Force lightning.

When questioned about his vision by Jedi Master Lene Kostana, Dooku told her that he had seen the Sith, but Kostana reassured him that what he had witnessed were only possibilities that could be prevented. Dooku later documented the events on Asusto in his journal. Around 23 BBY, Dooku allowed his recently recruited Sith assassin, Asajj Ventress, to find his journal during her investigation into his sister Jenza's location, and she listened to the portion that mentioned his vision of Darth Skrye. Skrye shared their name with the Hand of Skrye, an artifact uncovered by Kostana and her Padawan, Sifo-Dyas, prior to the Asusto mission.

Darth Skrye appeared in a vision within a flashback sequence in the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott and published on April 30, 2019. Their name was given in the script, published on October 1 of the same year. According to Scott, Darth Skrye was a creation of fellow author Claudia Gray.

Behind the scenes

Darth Skrye appeared in a vision within a flashback sequence in the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott and published on April 30, 2019. Their name was given in the script, published on October 1 of the same year. According to Scott, Darth Skrye was a creation of fellow author Claudia Gray.






