Darez Wuht

Wuht helped oversee the refugee population and their SELCORE work agreements, but failed to give it the time many thought it deserved. This earned him the disdain of the local populace and the nickname "Admiral Dizzlewit."

Wuht's command vessel was the light Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Poesy. During the Battle of Duro, the Yuuzhan Vong demanded that the fleet around the planet surrender or they would destroy the orbital cities as well as the planet. Wuht agreed and was met by members of the Peace Brigade to negotiate the terms.

When Mara Jade Skywalker met with him and persuaded him to fight the Yuuzhan Vong by revealing their true intentions, he shot one of the Peace Brigaders. Admiral Wuht then led the brave, but ultimately futile fight against the Yuuzhan Vong assault on Duro.


Wuht helped oversee the refugee population and their SELCORE work agreements, but failed to give it the time many thought it deserved. This earned him the disdain of the local populace and the nickname "Admiral Dizzlewit."

Wuht's command vessel was the light Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Poesy. During the Battle of Duro, the Yuuzhan Vong demanded that the fleet around the planet surrender or they would destroy the orbital cities as well as the planet. Wuht agreed and was met by members of the Peace Brigade to negotiate the terms.

When Mara Jade Skywalker met with him and persuaded him to fight the Yuuzhan Vong by revealing their true intentions, he shot one of the Peace Brigaders. Admiral Wuht then led the brave, but ultimately futile fight against the Yuuzhan Vong assault on Duro.



