
Dagonet was a human male who served as a senator in the Galactic Republic. At some point, Senator Dagonet's son was kidnapped on their homeworld, and two Jedi, Dooku and his Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn, went to the planet to rescue the teenager. There, they discovered that the kidnappers had organized themselves in a method to protest against Dagonet's neglectful rule, something that his son had come to agree with.

Dagonet and his forces arrived shortly after the Jedi and was ruthless with the civilians, demanding that they be punished. As Dagonet continued to threaten the kidnappers Dooku decided to take matters in his hands and used the Force to choke the arrogant senator. Alarmed, Jinn attempted to stop him, but Dooku threw him aside with a Force push. Dooku nearly killed Dagonet, but Jinn as well as the belligerent senator's son were able to save him.

Personality and traits

Dagonet was a human male with blue eyes, brown hair with grey strips and light skin. He had neatly combed back hair that extended into a small mullet and a beard.

In the words of the village elder, Dagonet was initially a good man who had the interests of his people in mind. However, over the course of his long-standing rule, he grew increasingly neglectful of his people's conditions and their suffering. The senator had developed a degree of arrogance, aggression and ruthlessness, as he ordered his soldiers to open fire upon the villagers once the Jedi Master Dooku refused the subsequential release of the senator's son. After his near-death experience at the hands of Dooku, Dagonet came to his senses when his son asked him how he could let his own people suffer.




