
DSS-0956 was the senior officer of Alvien Squadron, one of the three desert stormtrooper squads making up the unit Desert Sands.

Joining the Stormtrooper Corps

At some point prior to 0 BBY, DSS-0956 joined the Stormtrooper Corps and became a desert stormtrooper. He rose to the rank of senior officer and was assigned to one of the three squadrons of the unit Desert Sands, Alvien Squadron. While in Desert Sands, he served under Commander Nahdonnis Praji.

Looking for the Death Star plans

In 0 BBY, DSS-0956 was on the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Inquisitor doing training exercises with Desert Sands. The unit was soon deployed to Tatooine to search for two droids carrying plans to the Death Star. While looking for the droids, DSS-0956 reported to Captain Mod Terrik of Zeta Squadron, one of the other two squads. The droids were found to have been sold to the Lars homestead, to which Alvien and Zeta Squadrons were sent to check. Upon being spat on by Owen Lars, Terrik ordered Lars and his wife be killed and their homestead destroyed, which was carried out under the command of DSS-0956.

Eventually, Alvien Squadron was sent to Mos Eisley to supplement the local garrison. They set up checkpoints at entrances to the city to potentially catch the droids if they tried to enter. DSS-0956 was in charge of one such checkpoint. At one point, he stopped someone and asked to see their identification.


DSS-0956 was equipped with the standard modified stormtrooper armor issued to sandtroopers. He also carried a long-range comlink, a blaster pistol, a heavy blaster rifle, and a food/water pack.

Behind the scenes

DSS-0956 was created in 1989's Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, and was featured in the Tatooine Debriefing story within the book.


In the 2007 "Look Sir, Droids" action figure set made by Sideshow Collectibles, DSS-0956 was identified as the sandtrooper who was addressed by Davin Felth in the source scene from the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. However, the 1996 story When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale identified that character as Mod Terrik, who was further established to be killed attempting to prevent the Millennium Falcons escape, whereas DSS-0956 was established by Tatooine Debriefing to have lived past those events. In 2008, DSS-0956 was given an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which clarified that he served under Terrik.


  • Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope
  • Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook, Special Edition
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia



