Cyanoxis D-570

Cyanoxis D-570 was a poison manufactured by the company Toxico, originally used to kill rodents as a rodenticide. The poison was an anticoagulant and led to internal hemorrhaging after a creature ingested it, eventually causing death. The chemical makeup of Cyanoxis D-570 was kept a closely-guarded secret by Toxico and it was deadly to numerous species around the galaxy, which led spies and assassins to use it.

D-570 was typically administered via food and drink, and takes about a week to break down in an individual's circulatory system and cause internal bleeding. Symptoms of D-570 included fatigue, bruises, and bleeding from the nose, mouth, and ears. Death occurred in around ten days or fewer, making the cause of an individual's death difficult to determine, and allowing time for the killer to escape.

Zlarb's, a poisons shop on Coruscant, carried Cyanoxis D-570. Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Master Assassin Ochi of Bestoon purchased a dose of D-570 from the owner, Zlarb, to aid in his assassination of Emperor Sheev Palpatine's royal guard. Ochi charged the fee to his employer, Lady Qi'ra of the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn.


  • Cyphers and Masks



