Crystal Snare

The Crystal Snare was a four-kilometer spherical asteroid in the Cularin system asteroid belt. It was a remnant of the large crystal deposits in Oblis, the planet that exploded to become the asteroid belt.

Reidi Artom investigated the asteroid during her initial survey of the system in 232 BBY. Her navigational computer locked onto the asteroid, and she eventually had to engage manual controls in order to turn away.

The Crystal Snare was a rough sphere about four kilometers wide, covered with crystalline structures of little commercial value. The crystal asteroid amplifies transmissions, reflecting light brighter and causing feedback to sensor scans. Reidi Artom detected strange energy patterns around the asteroid on her first visit, but no later investigations, including her own, found those patterns.

It was commonly known to use manual navigation when close to the Crystal Snare. Large ships could not approach the asteroid beyond 1,000 km, so smugglers used it to hide (Smaller ships had a PNR of 600 km). Over the years, at least three ships have disappeared near the asteroid.


  • Living Force Campaign Guide
