Crash Course

Official description

Sabine reluctantly lets Ketsu borrow her favorite speeder for a covert mission.

Plot summary

Ketsu speeding on her bike

Ketsu speeding on her bike

On the planet Garel in Garel City, Sabine Wren finishes servicing and painting her speeder bike. She and Hera Syndulla look to depart to rendezvous with Ketsu Onyo, a fellow member of the rebellion. Wren sees the ride as an opportunity to test the bike's engines, so she and Syndulla ride the bike to the rendezvous point. Shortly, Onyo arrives on a badly damaged bike. She jumps off before the wrecked bike crashes into a wall and explodes, and Onyo apologizes for her lateness.

Wren advises Onyo to go a little easier on her bike. Syndulla instructs Onyo to deliver a datacard to her informant. Wren offers to give Onyo a ride on her speeder bike, but her friend explains that her contact had insisted she come alone. Wren reluctantly allows Onyo to borrow her bike on her own, telling her to meet them back at the Ghost. Onyo tests the bike before departing and compliments Wren for its smooth handling and paint job. After Onyo leaves, Wren, afraid of her friend's careless manner on the bikes, sighs and remarks that she had liked her bike.

Later on the Ghost, Wren awaits Onyo's arrival, relaying to Syndulla that Onyo had contacted her to inform them that their mission had been a success. While Wren wonders about her friend's whereabouts, Syndulla reassures her, telling her to stop worrying. Moments later, a guilt-stricken Onyo arrives, remarking that the bike had handled well for a while, before showing Wren the detached handlebar, implying that the bike had been wrecked. Although Wren is devastated and angry, Syndulla counsels the younger rebel not to do anything she will regret.

Because Onyo expresses remorse, Wren forgives her, offering to teach her how to repair engines for the next few days. Syndulla offers to retrieve the tools while Onyo accepts Wren's terms, and the two friends reconcile.









