
During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire established a hidden garrison on Coveway. The commander of the garrison decided that his assignment would be achieved best if the native residents of the local area were eliminated, and Bremen's village was destroyed, with his wife and daughter being killed. The constable, who was away at the time, tracked the killers to the garrison and eventually helped a recently arrived Rebel Alliance strike team to neutralize the Imperial base. In return, the Rebels took Bremen off-world, and he became a member of the Alliance.


Coveway was a tiny terrestrial planet located in the Coveway system, a part of the Koradin sector in the Outer Rim Territories. The conditions on Coveway were harsh, and the planet's wildlife included dangerous animals.

A new life

During the Galactic Civil War, the future New Republic Colonel Jak Bremen lived on Coveway.

During the Galactic Civil War, the future New Republic Colonel Jak Bremen lived on Coveway.

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Jak Bremen, a Human survivor of an Imperial massacre on the Tammuz sector planet Shiffrin who had turned to wandering the Outer Rim Territories, eventually settled in a village on Coveway. Bremen became the village's constable, with his duties including helping to fend off threatening local fauna. The constable eventually married a local woman with whom he sired an infant daughter.

At some point during the Galactic Civil War, an Imperial garrison was established on Coveway for a mission by the Empire's Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. The commander of the garrison eventually decided that the Empire's mission objective would be achieved more expediently by eliminating the natives of the garrison's area, which included the village where Bremen lived. One day, while Bremen was away on a hunting trip, killers from the garrison destroyed the constable's village and murdered his wife and child.


After returning to the village, Bremen tracked the killers to the garrison but, realizing he could not avenge his loss on his own, fled and eventually arrived in another village. There, the former constable encountered a Rebel Alliance operative who was part of a Rebel strike team that had recently arrived on Coveway with the intention of eliminating the Imperial garrison.

Upon being introduced to the team, Bremen offered to lead the Rebels through the Imperial base's defense network. The strike team agreed to take Bremen off-planet afterward, and with Bremen's help, the Rebels neutralized the garrison, with Bremen subsequently becoming a member of the Alliance and later, a colonel with the Alliance's successor, the New Republic.


Coveway was inhabited by a hardworking and determined people who originated in a colonization expedition and who sustained themselves regardless of the demanding conditions of their homeworld. At some point, an Imperial garrison was also established on the planet.


Two small villages were located on Coveway. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, a hidden Imperial garrison was established on the planet.

Behind the scenes

Coveway was first mentioned in the 1994 The Last Command Sourcebook, written by Eric Trautmann for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Coveway system, and therefore the planet itself, in grid square I-18.


  • The Last Command Sourcebook
  • The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
  • The Essential Atlas
