Coruscant shipyard


A Venator-class Star Destroyer docked inside a trench

A Venator-class Star Destroyer docked inside a trench

The Coruscant shipyard was located on the surface of Coruscant, the Galactic Republic's capital planet and was adjacent to the Republic Center for Military Operations. The shipyard and staging area included at least six five-kilometer long trenches, including Trench Alpha-7, which could accommodate as many as four Venator-class Star Destroyers parked one behind the other. A number of boarding ramps and cranes were placed throughout the trenches to allow personnel and equipment to be brought aboard the starships, including Grand Army of the Republic walkers which were loaded directly into the ships' hangars. Six control towers, one for each trench, were located around the shipyard.

Capital ships were docked on massive support pylons in order to receive maintenance and retrofitting. The trenches included multiple hangars that stored Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighters and was staffed with varying models of droids, including droids using repulsor platforms. Many clone trooper units guarded the trenches and the ships while docked, and a number of underground control stations and power generators provided energy to the shipyard.

Clone Wars

The Coruscant shipyard was used extensively throughout the Clone Wars. When the Separatist Alliance invaded the neutral planet Scipio, a fleet led by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker assembled at the shipyard and departed onward to the Battle of Scipio. Later, High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and his 7th Sky Corps gathered at the shipyard along with multiple Star Destroyers prior to the Battle of Utapau, and the 41st Elite Corps gathered there as well in preparation for the Battle of Kashyyyk.

Hiding secrets

VZ-114 docked in trench A3

VZ-114 docked in trench A3

The shipyard was then used by the Galactic Empire following the Republic's transition, while the Republic Center for Military Operations became the Naval Intelligence Headquarters. Following Vice Admiral Rampart's attack on Kamino, which destroyed all Kaminoan cities and facilities, including Tipoca City, Rampart's flagship VZ-114 was docked at the shipyard to go through a retrofit. VZ-114's crew were given leave, and crew members Slip and Cade visited 79's where Cade revealed that they intended to reveal Rampart's destruction of Kamino to the Imperial Senate. Before he could do so, however, he was killed by a clone assassin dispatched by Rampart. In response, Slip contacted Senator Riyo Chuchi, a defender of clone rights, as well as fellow Clone Wars survivor Clone Captain Rex; following Slip's assassination by the assassin who had killed Cade, Rex and Chuchi contacted the renegade Clone Force 99 for help. After they arrived on Coruscant, they discovered that the only way to prove Slip's claims was to recover VZ-114's command log, stored in the ship's backup databanks, and they decided to infiltrate the ship while it was being serviced in the shipyards.

Attack on the shipyard

The clones of the Force and Rex entered the shipyard through the underground network of power stations Rex and Echo had mapped during the war. After successfully getting past the clone security, they climbed on board a repulsor platform and Tech took control of it with his datapad to take them close to VZ-114. Once close enough, they jumped on the hull and entered it through a maintenance hatch. They managed to stealthily take out the skip's skeleton crew and reach the bridge but discovered that in order to access the databanks they had to reroute power from the shipyard to the ship. In doing so, the shipyard monitoring stations were notified of the sudden power transfer to a supposedly inactive ship and dispatched a security team to check the problem. Clone Force 99 engaged the attackers and after successfully retrieving the command log they used the bridge consoles to take control of the turbolasers, destroying the V-wings that had taken off to secure the facility.

The shipyard burning with VZ-114 heavily damaged after the attack

The shipyard burning with VZ-114 heavily damaged after the attack

With more and more clones arriving on the ship, Echo activated its engines, causing the ship to break free of its restraints and slide down to the bottom of the trench on top of the clones, sending them running away. Exploiting the confusion, the renegade clones reached the bridge escape pods and launched them away from the ship. With Echo and Tech's cooperation they were able to land close to a maintenance shaft and escape the facility undetected. The shipyard, however, had sustained severe damage by the massive ship with part of it taking fire and the support pylons destroyed. As a result, several Imperial LAATs, accompanied by more V-wings were dispatched to the shipyard to secure it.













