Cortosis mine


When Count Dooku of the Confederacy of Independent Systems received a tip from a mysterious species that cortosis could resist lightsabers, and was located on Mokivj, Dooku dispatched Duke Solha as well as his brother and sister. They took over the planet and established a mine on the planet, and soon, a droid factory.

Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo and Senator Padmé Amidala raided the droid factory. During the raid, the humans and Chiss discovered that the Separatists were manufacturing a cortosis-armored model of B2-series super battle droids on the planet, using cortosis sourced to the nearby . Padmé and Anakin resolved to prevent the Separatists from continuing to manufacture such fortified droids. Thrawn procured a deflector shield generator, which he termed a "Republic energy shield," for the Ascendancy.

The mission concluded with a catastrophe. In an effort to collapse the Separatists' cortosis mine on Mokivj, Anakin Skywalker accidentally sent lava, ash, and smoke into the planet's best cropland and water. Skywalker did not account for the cortosis in the mine redirecting the heat of the explosions. As a result, the explosive force did more than merely collapse the mine's tunnels. It was sent down the planet's crust, triggering volcanic activity and leading to widespread devastation, deforestation, and desertification on Mokivj.

Behind the scenes

The cortosis mine first appeared in the 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn.






