Corellian Sector Fleet

The Corellian Sector Fleet was an Imperial Sector Fleet, assigned to the defense of Corellian sector during the Imperial Period. As a young Imperial officer, Han Solo was promised a good career in the Corellian Sector Fleet before he was ousted of the Imperial Navy for helping Wookiee slaves. During the Galactic Civil War, the Moff Naomi Dargon of the Corellian sector controlled a fleet of Star Destroyers. She used it at some point to bombard the planet Froz from orbit, because of its disloyalty to the Empire, decimating all life on the surface.

Anti-pirate starfighters and gunships were supplied to the force by the Corellian Engineering Corporation.


  • The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
  • The New Essential Chronology
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
  • Suns of Fortune



