
Colt was a Clone ARC Commander who served as the commanding officer of Rancor Battalion, part of the Grand Army of the Republic, during the Clone Wars. He was killed by Asajj Ventress during the Battle of Kamino.

Early Life

Colt was born on the planet Kamino, as all the clone troopers of the Galactic Republic were and, like all clones, Colt was a genetic copy of the once renowned bounty hunter Jango Fett. At an unspecified time period during the Clone Wars, he was promoted to the rank of Clone ARC Commander of the Rancor Battalion.

Training of clone cadets

Commander Colt, Bric, and El-Les observe the progress of clone cadets.

Commander Colt, Bric, and El-Les observe the progress of clone cadets.

Shortly before the Battle of Kamino, Colt along with the bounty hunters Bric and El-Les oversaw clone cadets' training. He selected Bravo Squad to first perform the final challenge, as the squad's cadets had completed their trial run in record Time, "ARC trooper time," as Colt saw it. From an observation platform overlooking the practice chamber, the commander instructed El-Les to initiate version THX, variable 1138, of the Citadel Challenge. Bravo Squad's performance in the test greatly impressed Colt, who congratulated the instructors on their training of the cadets.

The Domino Squad was next and Colt instructed El-Les and Bric to not make the Citadel easy for them. Colt became disappointed by Domino Squad's "sloppy" and "unorthodox" performance. Colt stopped the test after Domino Squad broke formation, disobeyed orders and had broken rule one, leaving an injured CT-00-2010 behind on the ground. As a result, El-Les had no choice but to give an automatic failure for to Domino Squad. Although, the squad did later succeed after they were given a second opportunity to pass the simulation. After Domino Squad had graduated, Colt and his fellow ARC troopers saw off the cadets as they shipped out as soldiers for the Republic.

Battle of Kamino

Ventress kissing Colt after killing him

Ventress kissing Colt after killing him

Colt and his fellow ARC troopers remained on Kamino. When General Grievous, the leader of the droid army, and assassin Asajj Ventress launched a surprise attack on Kamino, Colt was assigned to defend Tipoca City, where he encountered Grievous and managed to hold his own against him, accompanied by a small squad of clone troopers. However, soon after, he confronted Ventress, who Force choked him. Colt was slammed against the wall, with the impact knocking his helmet off. Ventress then proceeded to impale him with her lightsabers, while she kissed him on the cheek. She disengaged her lightsaber, allowing Colt's lifeless body to collapse to the floor.

Personality and traits

Colt, in his Phase I armor

Colt, in his Phase I armor

Colt was a human male clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, standing at a height of 1.83 meters with black hair and brown eyes.

Behind the scenes

A digital card on Star Wars: Card Trader released on October 12, 2018 demonstrated an image of Clone ARC Commander Colt, but the card's title stated "Clone ARC Commander Hammer." "Hammer" is the name that production referred to another ARC trooper.







