Cog Hive Seven

The space station, which had a fluid architecture capable of highly complex levels of reconfiguration, was constructed around the year 38 BBY based on an algorithm written by Dakarai Blirr and funded by the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Dakarai's sister Sadiki became Warden of Cog Hive Seven after its rushed completion. The Blirr siblings would win millions of credits on every twice-daily death match, and their algorithm had a 100% success rate, which brought them into conflict with the Galactic Gaming Commission.

The extremely reclusive weapons manufacturer and dealer Iram Radique used Cog Hive Seven as his base of operations under the nose of Warden Blirr. Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious had masterminded an assassination plot against his own dark master which involved the prison, and Sidious tasked his apprentice Darth Maul with infiltrating the prison and the structured criminal empire operating within it. While imprisoned in Cog Hive Seven with the assumed under-cover name "Jagganath", Maul participated in four of the prison's ongoing gladiatorial death matches of inmates against the inmates.

Cog Hive Seven first appeared in "The Syrox Redemption," a short story published in Star Wars Insider 146 and authored by Joe Schreiber. The story introduces elements of the 2014 novel Maul: Lockdown, which was also written by Schreiber and features Cog Hive Seven as its main setting.

Behind the scenes

Cog Hive Seven first appeared in "The Syrox Redemption," a short story published in Star Wars Insider 146 and authored by Joe Schreiber. The story introduces elements of the 2014 novel Maul: Lockdown, which was also written by Schreiber and features Cog Hive Seven as its main setting.









