Clone riot trooper

Clone riot troopers, also known as riot clone troopers, were specialized clone shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard who were trained in riot control. They served on the planet Coruscant, where they patrolled the streets alongside members of the civilian police force and assisted in controlling crowds at demonstrations.


Clone riot troopers searching for Duchess Satine Kryze

Clone riot troopers searching for Duchess Satine Kryze

When Duchess of Mandalore Satine Kryze was falsely suspected of murdering her close friend Davu Golec, riot clone troopers pursued her through the streets of Coruscant. With the help of local police droids and police probes, the troopers hunted her in an effort to arrest her for crimes that eventually turned out to be false. The troopers and police droids questioned street locals on whether or not they had seen the duchess. During their search a pair of riot troopers attempted to interview an Ithorian but the troopers were only able to understand Galactic Basic Standard and therefore could not communicate.

During the later days of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was bombed and a Jedi culprit was suspected. Riot clone troopers assisted in controlling crowds who were angrily demanding answers from the Jedi Order.


Clone riot trooper in phase II clone trooper armor

Clone riot trooper in phase II clone trooper armor

Armed with shock batons and riot shields, riot clone troopers were first equipped with Phase I clone trooper armor that sported a dark colored visor. The red markings on the armor were in slightly different styles in comparison with the rest of the Coruscant Guard. Later in the war, they were equipped with Phase II clone trooper armor, although the armor was equally uniformed as the rest of the Coruscant Guard, and were no longer modified with a visor.










