Clone Wars Chapter 19

"Chapter 19" is the nineteenth episode of the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated television series, the ninth episode in Season Two, and the nineteenth episode in Volume One. Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, the episode originally aired on Cartoon Network on April 7, 2004.

Plot summary

With the raindrops sizzling on their lightsabers, Anakin Skywalker and Asajj Ventress stand motionless in the driving rain of Yavin 4. Skywalker makes the first move, leaping to the top of the Massassi temple where Ventress stands. They trade blows for several seconds until Skywalker Force pushes Ventress off the temple into the ruins below.

Anakin Skywalker channeled his rage to defeat Asajj Ventress on Yavin 4.

Anakin Skywalker channeled his rage to defeat Asajj Ventress on Yavin 4.

Following her into the temple building, they resume their battle using their lightsabers and Force powers to hurl masonry and each other around the chamber. After Ventress is thrown through the wall, the two ascend the stairs to the very top of the temple building. Ventress knocks the lightsaber from Skywalker's hand, but he grabs her arms, blocking her killing blow. His mechanical arm squeezes hers until she drops one of her lightsabers, which Skywalker grabs using the Force. Filled with rage, Skywalker furiously attacks Ventress, driving her to the edge of the temple roof. He strikes and strikes and strikes—with each blow a vision of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda appears. Finally, the ledge under Ventress's feet collapses and she plunges screaming into a massive chasm. With a final scream of rage, Skywalker tosses Ventress's lightsaber into the chasm as well.


Later Star Wars stories revealed that Asajj Ventress does not die at the hands of Anakin Skywalker in this episode, and instead survives the fall—albeit heavily wounded. She would go on to face Skywalker and Kenobi again.

The opening chords of "Duel of the Fates" play as Anakin gains the upper hand in the duel.







