Clan Shale

Thus on the world of Geonosis within one of the Mandalorian Strongholds, Jekiah Ordo had Ballag and duel each other to finally settle the dispute, but added in that if either would lose, it will result in the Clan's destruction. Though shocking many, the terms were accepted and it created a new graveness into the situation as not since Clan Cadera's rebellion that a Clan has been completely wiped out by Mandalorian hands.

The duel between the two ensued, and though Ballag came close into topping over Arla upon injuring her, Arla recovered and adapted during the midst. Turning the tables and at last, the veteran Mandalorian woman had Ballag at her mercy, though instead of having the entire clan destroyed or Ballag killed, Jekiah and Arla agreed to a different arrangement to pay the attacks on their Clan. Leaving Clan Nerak to soon than fall apart afterwards while Clan Shale remained loyal to Mand'alor's reign.



